Wednesday, March 3, 2010

mustaqbal pakistan

Mustaqbal Pakistan is a new political party whose primary objective is to bring about a fundamental change in the way politics is conducted in Pakistan.

We believe that in the absence of such change Pakistan will not survive.
well i belive that when new party enters the parliment they need to be more focused and bring new ideas + implementations of those ideas so tht according to their statement they should prove.


  1. we should give a chance to new peoples. because new peoples bring new ideas .

  2. That is true. Pakistan needs a radical change and maybe Mustaqbal Pakistan prove useful in this matter.

  3. But i think we should say good bye 2 our old leaders............. & give a chance 2 new people

  4. well i belive our leaders shld be young bt mature person who hve a postitive thought rather then copying our old leaders

  5. The new generation is much aware about their country. So there is a need to introduce new and mature people in the politics of Pakistan rather than electing traditional parties because already they have been given chances and chances to run a sound government but it was all in vain.
    So it is time for people to bring a change because nations do not make people but people make nations.

  6. new generation is much better then the oid ones..............

  7. new generation is coming so we shld give chance to change to our countries polictical place becoz we r already in depression so mustaqal pak is there for us and in it we shld select a right person
